Friday, 3 July 2015

America the Antichrist and New Babylonian Sodom and Gomorrah

Leviticus, Chapter 18:22 says “man should not lie with man and woman should not lie with woman” but all that doesn’t matter because the so called homosexuals and transgender are neither Christians nor Muslims so they don’t have any morals to guide them just like the homosexuals of Sodom and Gomorrah did not have before they were destroyed by God as an abomination on earth.

Many have not noticed this but for some time now America has consistently opposed what God stands for.
Jesus says “Spare the rod spoil the child” but in America they have a law that prevents “parents” from using the cane to correct their erring children who grow up to be unruly adults in societies that later accept abominations like homosexuals and transgender transgressors.

God says “man should not lie with man and woman should not lie with woman” but America disregards the Almighty God, creator of Heaven and earth, to make its own law that permits men to sleep with men and women to sleep with women.

Prophesies about the antichrist says it will have the title of God in its, America calls itself “God’s own country”.

The prophesies also said the antichrist will seek to be equal to God and in changing the law of God which forbids homosexuality and child discipline through the “rod”, America has sought to be equal to Gods.

The prophesies talked about people receiving numbers/codes on their forehead and hands, America government just won in court their bid to follow through on what is popularly called Obama Care, where everyone will receive coded implants on their heads and wrists.

The emergence of America as a world superpower matches the emergence of the antichrist and eventually the end of the world as we know it.

God created man male and female for a reason and homosexuality was never in his plan and the Bible calls it an abomination. The same Bible the West forced on Africans is not obeyed by the same West.
President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, has sent a marriage proposal to President Obama and he said during the interview:

"Even Satan wasn't Gay, he chose to approach naked Eve instead of naked Adam." - President, Mugabe on homo sexuality.

Billy Graham’s wife said "If God doesn't punish America for this (Gay legalisation) then he owes SODOM and Gomorrah an apology".
Governor Bobby Jindal says “Marriage between a man and a woman was established by God and no earthly court can alter that”.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who had warned that the legalization of same-sex marriage would lead to the “criminalization of Christianity,” issued perhaps the sharpest repudiation of the Supreme Court, warning on Friday that the country “must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat”.

The West has constituted itself as a Pest to the rest of the world and this Pest has to be excommunicated else God’s punishment might fall upon every other person. America prides itself as being a society of freedom but what they do not know is that the greatest slavery is freedom.
God gave man rules and laws for man’s own good just as man makes laws to protect its citizens and guide them. 

The West forced Africa and many other civilizations to comply with its sin over the years, they forced Africa to stop marrying more than one wife when the Bible and Koran has men of God marrying more than one and today we have unmarried women all over Africa.

America forced Africa and also wants the Arabs to accept women equality to men when the Bible and Koran states that a woman is not equal to a man and today we have women who feel one man is not enough for them and they make bad mothers that corrupt children and societies.
America is forcing Africa and the Arabs to accept transgender abomination a creation of man not God.
American is a virus and God, not man, will purify this world starting with this Abomination called America.
America has fast tracked the end of the world by making gay marriage legal and encouraging transgender operations. 

Ephesians 6:12 says“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places”.

No matter how many stars the America may have on its flag it will never replace the “Bright Morning Star”. We have chosen to serve the true living God not Satan.
The world will come together to destroy the beast and this will be sanctioned by God above as the great beast cries for help the world will rejoice of its demise. Its allies will be foes and all caught up with its beauty and wealth will perish from its judgement as proof that the living God gives a long rope before punishment. Come out of the beast and do not partake its sin to avoid its judgement. 
All who do not repent of her deception and sins will suffer same fate with no mercy. Armageddon as at hand but the world will not perish just Babylon for its deception and bloodshed of the saints and chosen, who did no harm but were slaughtered and enslaved for 400-500 years, their blood cry out and heaven cannot sleep anymore until justice is done.

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